4ocean recovered materials

Total pounds of trash recovered from the ocean, rivers, and coastlines thanks to the ongoing support of the clean ocean movement!

Certified Cleanup Partner
Becoming a Certified Cleanup Partner is the fastest and easiest way to partner with 4ocean to clean the oceans, rivers, and coastlines.
How it works

Get started! Fill out the form on our contact page and a crew member will reach out to schedule time for us to chat about your sustainability goals and how we can support them.

Let’s talk! Work with our crew to determine how many pounds of trash you’d like to recover from the world’s oceans, rivers, and coastlines.

Sit back and relax! This is the part where our crews clean the ocean.

Communicate your impact! We’ll send you a media kit with a custom certificate that verifies the number of pounds you’ve pulled. You’ll also receive logos, photos, and reports you can share with key stakeholders to communicate your impact.
Communicate your impact

All 4ocean Certified Cleanup Partner's will receive a marketing and communications package to share their impact with their customers. This package includes logos, impact reports, photos of cleanups, and a certificate of pounds removed from the ocean.

Receive a custom certificate representing the amount of trash removed from the ocean, rivers, and coastlines.