4ocean recovered materials

Total pounds of trash recovered from the ocean, rivers, and coastlines thanks to the ongoing support of the clean ocean movement!

The business case for sustainability

The Plastic Problem
Plastic’s effect on our ecosystems is undeniably one of the worst massacres of marine life in the history of our planet, killing an estimated 100,000 marine mammals and millions of birds and fish annually.
Our Responsibility
We have a responsibility to future generations to leave the planet better than we found it.
The best part is that consumers today are willing to reward you for making positive changes

The world has produced 18 trillion pounds of plastic since 1950.

Less than 10% of it has been recycled. Most of our plastic waste has either been incinerated, landfilled, or escaped into the environment.

Plastic waste has been found in every environment on earth, from the deepest ocean trenches to the highest mountain peaks. More than 18 billion pounds of it enters our oceans every year alone.

Plastic never biodegrades, like how a leaf becomes soil; it just breaks apart into ever smaller fragments that pollute our planet indefinitely.

Plastic has infiltrated the human food chain with the average person ingesting about a credit card worth of plastic each week.

Plastic has been found in the blood and living tissue of humans. Some chemicals associated with plastic have known health impacts, but more research is needed.

Plastic has already become part of our planet’s natural cycles and is transported around the globe by wind and rain.

From cradle to grave, plastic contributes to climate change—the fastest-growing threat to our planet.

Despite the risks, U.S. plastic production is expected to triple by 2030, which will only make this global crisis worse.

Innovation in the private sector has the ability to accelerate the rapid change society needs to end the interconnected crises of plastic pollution and climate change.
Fact: Good for the planet is even better for your business

of global consumers believe that business needs to place at least equal weight on society's interests and business interests.

of consumers would switch brands if a different brand of similar quality supported a good cause.

of global consumers agree that business must play a role in addressing societal issues.

of citizens believe its important that business signs up to meet the UN’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development
There is no business on a dead planet.
Fact: Consumers will reward you for sustainability

of the general population would rather pay more for products and services that are produced responsibly.

of global consumers are willing to pay extra for products and services from companies committed to positive social and environmental impact.

of citizens say that they are more likely to buy the goods and services of companies that signed up for the UN SDG's
“The plastification of our oceans and the warming of our planet are amongst the greatest threats humanity and nature have ever confronted. Global efforts will not be enough to reverse this crisis unless government, business and financial leaders act in our children’s and grandchildren’s interests.”
- Dr Andrew Forrest AO, Chairman and Co-Founder, Minderoo Foundation.
Fact: Sustainability impacts your ability to attract the best talent

of Millennials feel their job is more fulfilling when they have the opportunity to make a positive impact.

of workers say that “a job where I can make an impact” is important to their happiness
Benefits of being sustainable

Increase Employee Engagement

Increase Customer Lifetime Value

Attract New Customers

Boost Brand Awareness

Create a competitive edge

Risk Management
Employees are increasingly looking for more than just financial returns in the workplace and are more likely to join an employer with a proven track record of driving positive change.
The good news is that higher employee fulfillment correlates to improved stock performance. In fact, companies with highly-engaged workforces outperform their peers by 147% in earnings per share.
The market is demanding that companies make a positive change. Businesses that voluntarily adopt sustainability policies have proven to significantly outperform their counterparts over the long term in both stock market and accounting performance.
Brands that rise to the challenge and show leadership will be rewarded by their stakeholders and gain access to new opportunities.
Those that fail to act may put their margins—and even their business models—at risk. So the question isn’t why you should become sustainable, but why you haven’t already.